Friday, August 10

Day 23: Favorite Movies and TV Show.

I have lots of those, I love to watch CSI and NCIS (I love Abby) when I have time. I watch The Vampire Diaries like it is in my blood to watch and not miss.  I have to get my weekly dose of Damon each week and when it is not airing I sit there and wish that a new season has started so that I can try to decide who is better looking Stephan or Damon (though Damon always wins). Then lets not forget the girl who loves Doctor Who in me, I am really looking forward to the next season even though I am still in mourning of the loss of the 10th doctor.
Now during the summer I spend a lot of time watching USA Network since I love their shows during the summer, they have some great series.

Movies is not that much of a big deal, I will watch just about anything at least once, I LOVE the Harry Potter Movies (the 5th is where it started to get really good), but who does not love those.  Beyond that just about anything can be my favorite at some point in time.

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